The concept of Sustainable Livelihood is an attempt to go beyond the conventional definitions and approaches to poverty eradication. These had been found to be too narrow because they focused only on certain aspects or manifestations of poverty, such as low income, or did not consider other vital aspects of poverty such as vulnerability and social exclusion. It is now recognized that more attention must be paid to the various factors and processes which either constrain or enhance poor people’s ability to make a living in an economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable manner. The Sustainable Livelihood concept offers a more coherent and integrated approach to poverty.
Matrix Society has partnered with several stakeholders in promoting sustainable livelihood programs. We have formed and strengthened more than 6000 Self Help Groups with the support from NABARD, NULM, SGSY, GAIL, RailTel and Rural Electrification Corporation in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, NCT of Delhi, Rajasthan, and Bihar.
Matrix Society has worked on and formulated several projects promoting livelihood and entrepreneurship among women, youth and other poor section of the society. With TATA Power DDL Matrix has enriched lives of several women through its SHG and entrepreneurship programs in Delhi.